Thursday, September 2, 2010

Is it Woman's Nature to be Indecisive?

Is it woman's nature to be indecisive?
I picked this question because I believe that the decision making process for all humans is extremely elaborate and influenced by many factors, and therefore all decisions must have some back-and-forth before they are made. I have lived this question my entire life, especially with the relationships I form. I also play the devil's advocate with myself, which strengthens my arguments but also weakens my resolve.
This is related to the Sun Also Rises through the character Brett, who jumps from man to man depending on the day and their social status. This displays her lack of ability to commit to a relationship and one person which is a direct result of indecisiveness.
This is also exemplified in the Odyssey by Homer through the character Penelope, who is unable to decide between giving in to the suitors that plague her house and son or staying true to the belief that her husband Odysseus is still alive.
This indecisiveness becomes more prevalent as history moves forward, due to the improvement of Women's rights and higher standard, which allows them the luxury of choice.

1 comment:

  1. To begin, your blog's title sounds tsunami-like--cataclysm, whoa.

    The following sentence of yours might do well in finding its way into one of your college application answers:

    I also play the devil's advocate with myself, which strengthens my arguments but also weakens my resolve.

    Why must this be a gender issue? Just curious.

    What about the nature of indecision regardless of gender?

    Might indecision be a means of arriving at an answer in a more creative manner? Might indecision be the sign of an active heart/mind interplay?

    Perhaps empathy and compassion are born of indecision?

    When is indecision morally culpable?
